Absolutely! The NIGP Certification Commission and its testing administrator comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and related Canadian and international laws and shall ensure no individual is deprived of the opportunity to take the certification examination solely by reason of a disability as defined under the ADA and similar laws. These rights extend to all NIGP-CPP applicants regardless of their residency. NIGP is also committed to ensuring that the validity, security, and integrity of the exams cannot be compromised by any approved accommodations.
Special accommodations are individualized and considered on a case-by-case basis. Accommodations depend on the nature of the disability or medical or learning condition and the documentation provided. Only NIGP-CPP certification staff have the authority to approve requests for special accommodations. No special accommodations will be considered or granted unless a completed and signed Special Accommodations Form is uploaded and submitted with the candidate’s application.
All candidates must answer Yes or No to the Special Accommodations section within the online application. The signed and completed Request for Special Accommodations Form must be uploaded to the online application before the application is submitted for review.
Before beginning the online application, the applicant requesting special accommodations must submit the Request for Special Accommodations Form to his/her licensed health care professional, who must be qualified to diagnose and treat the condition(s). The licensed health care professional is required to:
- Provide the diagnosis and any required documentation
- Identify the specific recommended special accommodations and explain how this diagnosis affects the candidate’s ability to sit for the NIGP-CPP exam under standard conditions
- The date the candidate was last seen by this licensed health care professional. This date must be within one (1) year prior to the application date.