The central purpose of the system
- Address talent recruitment, development and succession planning
- Encourage young professionals interested in public service to set a pathway to the public procurement profession through learning and recognition
- Meet the evolving, unique needs of professionals by offering flexible options for learning (knowledge) and applying knowledge through abilities and skills (competencies)
- Provide optional pathways to learn, and be recognized for, advanced technical skills related to procurement and contracting
- Provide multiple, flexible approaches to public recognition through certificates (badges, core, designation, and specialty) as well as certification
- Align evolving content and evolving competencies to credentials to ensure currency and relevancy
The guiding principles for the system
- Must be perceived as valuable by public procurement professionals, their supervisors and their employing organizations (e.g., district superintendents, finance officers).
- Must value competency over years of experience.
- Must serve a significant portion of NIGP members.
- Achievement of the credential(s) must be rigorous and meaningful.
- Employers should be able to use it to find qualified employees.
- Must be flexible and adaptable to remain current and relevant.
- Resulting credential must be comprehensive of enabling competencies (i.e., soft skills) - not just technical competencies.
- Must advance the NIGP mission and strategic priorities.
- Follows credentialing best practices and is legally defensible.