General FAQs
- Why is NIGP building a new learning and credentialing system? What challenges are you trying to solve?
- What is the purpose and guiding principles that are driving NIGP's learning and credentialing system?
- What data is driving NIGP’s decision?
- What is the NIGP learning system?
- Who developed the content?
- What modes of delivery are available?
- What is the purpose of the NIGP credentialing system?
- How long has NIGP been working on this credentialing system?
- Is NIGP following best practices for credentialing systems?
- Is NIGP going to seek third-party accreditation of its credentialing system?
- How does this affect the UPPCC?
- Why not continue with the UPPCC and enhance the CPPO and CPPB offerings?
- Who do I contact for more information?