The NIGP-CPP certification program is the only certification managed and administered through NIGP. This certification is for mid to executive level leaders in procurement. The NIGP-CPP is unique because its source is the Public Procurement Competency Framework and research funded by the Volker Alliance. Additionally, the NIGP-CPP is integrated within NIGP’s Pathways Program for Learning and Credentialing; providing the candidate a seamless connection between learning and earning credentials.
The NIGP-CPP exam is a competency-based exam focusing on 43 competency statements. The exam is scenario-based and assesses the technical competencies, skills, behaviors, knowledge, and abilities required of a procurement leader on the job today.
The Guiding Principles of the NIGP-CPP include assessing competency vs years of experience. The certification exam is rigorous and meaningful, and the NIGP-CPP is flexible and adaptable to remain current and relevant. Also, the NIGP-CPP was developed to follow credentialing best practices of the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) ISO 17024 Standards established for certification programs.
The NIGP-CPP promotes critical thinking, leadership, and business strategies which are essential for all procurement leaders in the workforce today. The NIGP-CPP is valued by public procurement professionals, their supervisors, and their employing agencies because of its rigor and its focus on competencies, skills, and abilities, instead of strictly knowledge.