Yes, just as the Institute has helped countless professionals with their UPPCC certification journey, we have developed the same tools to help you be successful in earning your NIGP-CPP. However, keep in mind that there is a strict firewall between NIGP’s Certification program and NIGP’ Content program that develops preparatory materials. NIGP’s Content team is aware of the exam content (which is publicly available on the NIGP website) but does not know specific exam questions. Therefore, all preparatory materials are based on the specific competency statements contained in Module A and Module B.
NIGP offers the following options:
- Fee-based preparatory online study guides are available for each module.
- Fee-based preparatory courses instructor-led available virtually and in-person, on demand) are available for each module.
- A fee-based online self-assessment tool is available that provides personalized insight into your procurement expertise before you test by delivering immediate feedback on every question (instantly knowing if your answer is right or wrong and why) and providing a customized report on strengths and weaknesses that recommends courses for developing the competencies.
- Online NSite communities to facilitate group studying for the NIGP-CPP; organized approximately two months prior to each testing window(available to NIGP members only).