The Official Score Report is provided to each candidate at the testing center as soon as the exam is completed. If successful, the Official Score Report includes verification of a passing score. If unsuccessful, the Official Score Report includes verification of an unsuccessful score and a diagnostics report that shows each focus area on the Exam Module, the percentage of questions in each focus area, and the percentage of questions answered correctly in each focus area.
The lapel pin is mailed and the printed certificate is ordered after the end of the testing window, and a next-steps email notification will be sent to each tester by the NIGP-CPP Team. The effective date of the three-year certification cycle is the first day of the month following the testing window. For example, all testers who attained the NIGP-CPP through testing in August 2022 will have a three-year certification cycle running from September 1, 2022 – August 31, 2025.
Please note that there will be a delay in obtaining the Official Score Report when a new exam is developed because the Standards Setting Panel – under guidance of professional testing psychometricians – must assess each question and recommend a passing score. A separate passing score is established for each Exam Module. This is typically a 4 – 6 week process. Once the passing scores are determined, Official Score Reports are emailed to each tester.