The application process
The online NIGP-CPP application verifies the eligibility of the candidate through minimal but critical documentation. Supporting documents (such as copies of diplomas, certificates, certifications, and/or transcripts conferring a degree) are uploaded by the candidate as PDF attachments.
There are no deadlines for applying and no late application fees. However, it is highly recommended that candidates apply at least forty-five (45) days prior to the desired testing window.
The application process for Comprehensive Candidates:
These candidates upload diplomas, certificates, or related documents that affirm the level of formal education based on their selected Pathway (A through D).
These candidates also affirm their years/months of related work experience based on their selected Pathway.
- The Commission believes that years in a position do not necessarily prove the expertise of the individual; and that competency-based work experience is a better measure of one's ability and future success. Therefore, these candidates demonstrate their relevant work experience via an Experience Verification Form. The amount of work experience (measured in months) is determined by the Pathway selected by the candidate. For example, those candidates who have earned a master’s degree in public administration, public policy, supply chain, procurement, or economics (Pathway A) need to demonstrate relevant work experience over a 24-month period within the last ten years.
- For work experience to be ‘relevant’ for eligibility, each work experience must align with a minimum of 20 of the 43 competency statements identified in the NIGP-CPP exam content. And the experience must be earned within the past ten years. Using the Experience Verification Form, the candidate self-attests which competency statements within the total of 43 that she/he performed (or is currently performing) within each work position.
- This information must also be independently verified by the direct supervisor or Human Resources representative via the Form. On the application, applicants must identify the specific individual who will serve as the third-party employment verifiers, including the individual’s name, job title at the agency/organization, email, and phone number. Generic information cannot be provided. Each employment verifier must be a named individual who is/was boss or supervisor or an HR representative.
- There are no minimum percentages of time that must be dedicated to the competency statement for it to qualify as relevant work experience. This activity takes the guesswork out of the application process since a candidate performs his/her self-assessment, obtains verification by a specified third-party, and instills confidence in her/his eligibility before applying and paying fees. In fact, the candidate does not submit official or working position descriptions with her/his application; but may be required to do so during the assessment process via a trigger audit.
These candidates are required to register for a specific exam module and for a specific testing window during the application process. There are four (4) testing windows (February, May, August and November) and testing windows are opened approximately four (4) months prior to the testing window. The candidate has the flexibility to register for only one exam module at a time and also has the flexibility to choose which module (A or B) to take first.
The non-refundable application fee is $150. The testing fee is $100 per Exam Module. The retest fee is $100 per Exam Module. Candidates may register for Exam Module A or Exam Module B or both during a testing window – it is the candidate’s preference. The transfer fee is $50 per Exam Module. Please review the Certification Handbook,, for more detailed information. All fees and policies are subject to change.
The application process for Pathway F Candidates
Pathway F Candidates who are eligible for the bridge exam as CPPO or CPPB certificants simply submit proof of their current certification status during the application process by uploading either their UPPCC certificate or their certification record from the UPPCC which displays the effective dates of the certification. They do not verify formal education or relevant work experience.
Pathway F candidates are required to register for a specific testing window during the application process. There are four (4) testing windows (February, May, August and November) and testing windows are opened approximately five (5) months prior to the testing period and registration and payment for testing windows are opened approximately four (4) months prior to testing window.
Through May 2024 testing only, Pathway F candidates may attain the NIGP-CPP via an abbreviated process by successfully completing only Module B which covers test content that was not assessed within the CPPB/CPPO exams. However, AFTER May 2024 testing, ALL NIGP-CPP candidates – regardless of eligibility pathway – must successfully complete BOTH Module A AND Module B to earn the NIGP-CPP. No exceptions will be granted to this requirement and deadline.
The non-refundable application fee is $150. The testing fee is $100 per Exam Module. The retest fee is $100 per Exam Module. The transfer fee is $50 per Exam Module. Please review the Certification Handbook,, for more detailed information. All fees and policies are subject to change.